I'm an undergraduate student at Yale University class of 2028 specializing in building modern and efficient quantitative finance models, game theory model development, and computational AI design and modeling. Below, you can explore some of my work and download my resume.
Using a mini-max algorithm with situtional analysis at depth of 8 moves this bot is able to play connect-4 efficiently and consisdently beat human players (assuming non-perfect play) without much computational complexity
GitHub Repothis is my recursive self-made backpropogation algorithm (No ML libraries!) which uses a recursive net to learn from previous days (10 business days) of data and make an estimate of the closing price of AMZN stock given previous closing prices
RNN-model Analysis:
GitHub RepoLTSM-model Analysis algorithm:
GitHub RepoThis is my current project I am working on. Creating a poker analysis and positional awareness bot which is able to take a position and always make the most probabilistic decision. I plant to introduce neural nets eventually.
GitHub RepoClick the link below to download my resume:
Download Resume (PDF)